Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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NY thoughts

Showing me pictures of his dog one a very good friend, he was touched by praises Tsezarino. Then they started talking about we shoot ng vacation. I've been going to Italy with a gay friend, skiing will be with him to skate and live in the house "at the bus stop", ie 2 km to a small town, 3 - to another. Very secluded cabin in the mountains. Sergio (gay) will notik, I - all of the series "Sex and the City" and "Gossip Girl."
's so excitedly telling a friend about his plans, but he was very sympathetically said to me: 'Olga, if you continue to ride in a romantic trip with a gay person, it will be a long time to show off pictures of their dogs ........."
And I stopped believing in miracles they occur, of course, with someone, and somewhere "with a friend or girlfriend with another girl, which we do not know, but it really exists."
's waiting, hoping think you said it right-do-it-looked, and as a result of business as usual "I'll call you later" and later still could not come.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Schifoso Antonio, or violently love can not be

My friend Lena "moonlight" matchmaker. She is always in the arsenal of a couple of decent men who yearn for love, warmth, and unrestrained sex with Sexual compelling goddesses like me. Her service as a matchmaker, I took advantage of just once, but the marriage was called immediately !!!!!!!!!

So, he called Anton (just like rhymed on Gandon, but it is too early at the beginning of the little pieces, he was charming and well-mannered boy). I was not torknulo, when we know him, just not my type. I do not like untidy people. Not Torquay, where we had a fun dinner (at the next table sat a German ofigensky - A true Aryan, in films about the Second World War he could shoot without make-up as an SS officer - rock the hell ....).

And then Anton invited to your DR and as Gift asked ....... hand and heart! My hand and heart! No, he did not Hanibal Lector, ie do not eat requested, and called marriage! Yes, I was pretty puskoy at a dinner (for years worked reception when the dinner with one, but vozhdeleesh "SS officer), I then ispytavala Rules, that really work. On the DR, he introduced me to his parents as a bride. Had to continue to follow Rules, though my personality straining at the leash and tried to put everything in its place: what I'll Bride b ... x ..... Th at th. Held. Pilaf and kept chewing, rinsing the spoon into the soup shurpa and keep. Doderzhalas to what rasstrogannaya mom Anton actually pressing me to her bosom, had invited to his birthday! Blyayayayayayayayayayayayaya .......... He had to spit in the soup or pilaf throw in other family members, as well as had to sweat on another family party.

On the anniversary of Lydia were slivischa society. 2 former ministers from the regional government, a consul, vice-rector university, etc. Total number of people 70. Was toastmaster, which is almost without warning, I shoved the microphone in the nose: "Olga, bride of the youngest son of Lydia Anton. "Tost said shorter. By the way, skladnenko said so. Also did not drink, because was behind the wheel (as always late for creepy, almost an hour late). Guests in the forward sense of, oh ... there from such a cute white creatures! Run away early, type I after 10 I can not sleep :)):):):):) Ahahahahahahahaaaaaa!

Not that game a bride I liked, but I decided to test-drive ..... Nothing !!!!!!!!! and perhaps the truth of female sex still goes through my head at first, unless you want it and neher test, it is still nonsense will be on output. And at the entrance :):):):):):):)

Then, of course, my baby house, and as a friend was not needed. Although nazvanivat he continued to call marriage, and sing songs about love.

All the points on E were placed by themselves. It is understandable that a man 30 years old, past and Crimea The eye and does not fall into a swoon at the sight of women fucking ass and angelic eyes. The last time I met him out of pity (never do this !!!!!!!!!). Sat we are familiar with in subbotku at the bar and I was telling this story. A friend says, call him here, sorry for the guy, he can out there with mad, and you scoff. At the same time and find out that he still needed from you.

now a little pre-history. Anton moved to our town several months ago from the east of the country. No one the city does not know his parents built a work. Lived with them in a house on the oligarchic street. Then he had a row and went to live alone, because He suffers from playing slot machines.

return to the bar. In the alcohol drunk, Anton continued to vigorously spoken, but when I got a concrete answer to a specific question, just bristled, psihanul and gave approximately the following:

What do you do about yourself imagined! Do you think that such a fucking ??????? That for you for a long time the normal men will run ???????? You turn on your brain is not where it should be, you are in life is fool-fool, and Ponto Nemer. Yes me your podruzhayka Lena such heifers Customized - with Salvage, with a pedigree, and the boobs they had, not what you do.

And I did not even argue. Sitting with a fucking sense of dignity and sweet smiles. Only chided that Lenka so me podstvlyaet.

The output has won him money (after all yes! He said more money and took :):):):) poverino ). Until tomorrow. But tomorrow came somewhere in two weeks. I was very pleased with this fact, because played on it during the reminder of the duty and his receipt :):):):):)

place - it is a dish that should be served cold!

Friday, December 24, 2010

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Quotes of the wise.

Originally posted by [info] the_man at Quotes of the wise.

* All the men - the beast. Only one thing - to feed them better.
Oscar Wilde

I love quotes by Oscar Wilde. I agree. When this "skotinka" eat with your hands, count, tamed. But too delicious not feed, and then otgryzet arm or leg, or just otgryzet In CE.
* Do not argue with the men - all the same they are never wrong.
Sari Gabor

Yeah, but still all dumb blondes. I hate that's such an extremist.
* Nothing is impossible for a woman who knows how to cry at the right time to fit a man.
William Knocker

Yes. But sometimes men just se ...... m at the sight of tears. Their tender psyche that can not withstand.
* Male already half in love with every woman who listens to what he says.
Francis Bacon
100%. Check for yourself. Even the married name.
* For luck woman need a man. For misery - enough of her husband.
Wojciech Bartoszewski

Under the first part of the sign. About the second can not say anything. As a third-party The observer can only speculate that this is partially true.
* Do not allow yourself to hate a man enough to ... return it with a diamond ring!
Sari Gabor

did not return any ring or necklace. But do not wear flatly, not even the principle, but simply disgusting. My dream is to demolish all the pawnshop.
* If you want husband to adore you, begin to feed it for 3-5 minutes before he was hungry.
Yuri Shanin

I take a note!
* The best means of caring for your hands - to do everything hands of her husband.
Polish folk wisdom

I dream about it!
* Look into it more deeply, and you'll understand how it shallow.
Author Unknown

Someone someone to hate at this moment. And no it is not wisdom.
* husband listened attentively to the arguments - not because they're so clever, but because you are so smart enough to listen to them.
Author Unknown

couple of times listened to 6 am. Importantly, on time hum the theme.
* Women do not pay attention to the beautiful men, and men with beautiful women.
Milan Kundera

dress always looks advantageous to the person than on the hanger. In humans, it begins to "live".

* The girl with the future has to avoid the men in the past.
Folk wisdom

to 30 years is unrealistic.
* Man easiest to find when you already have one.
Paige Mitchell

course, just at that moment you cease to be "looking for", you appear that mysterious look out from under fluttering eyelashes.
* You need someone who would love you as long as you are looking for someone to love.
Sheila Delaney

As in the previous paragraph.
* If a man for a long time look in your eyes, you can be sure that everything else he has already visited.
Folk wisdom

* When you get tired to do one love, take two.
Tamara Kleiman

's and loans.
* It's easier to keep half a dozen lovers, who are unsure of your feelings than one who already have confidence in them.
Helen Rowland

always failed in this lesson.
* It is better to be unfaithful than faithful without wanting to be.
Brigitte Bardot

This lesson performs at the 5 points!
* Do not be too stubborn. If you want your phone number all the time busy, dial another number.
Folk wisdom

I'm stubborn. I will peal to the blue in the face!
* To look like a goddess, to twenty minutes. To look natural, it takes three hours.
Women's folk wisdom

E 'vero
* If losing weight, taking care of your ass, it's going to harm the person. But if a person is at its best, it's going to harm my ass.
Kathleen Turner

E 'verissimo!
* The best decoration girls - modesty and a transparent dress.
Eugene Schwartz

Mmmmmm, what is a modesty ???????
* Black shoes with flat soles are low to the balding men.
Women's folk wisdom

And they take out the garbage!
* For a woman with crooked legs only salvation deep cleavage.
Women's folk wisdom

Thanks mom, dad and God, who gave me oh ...... but long legs and round resilient ass (as in the avatar exactly in the exactly)!
* A beautiful girl should not be too clever - it's distracting.
Mark Gilbert Sovayon

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ___________________

To develop in the field of gardening you need two things: it is your desire and the site hybrids vegetables , where you can chat with other gardeners, as well as learn about the latest gardening.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Types Of Boobs Inidan

Rulevye game

book Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider All the Rules became the bible for every American girl who dreams of getting married. I heard about this knizhentsiyu no time and no two. It quoted Charlotte from Sex and The City, even read in one of the women's advanced novel (just for women and stupid I did not read !:):):):) My friend Anna always gives me advice in this book, like a man do not sleep the first night, do not call first, whether sweet puskoy etc. etc.
I systematically violating these rules, and, probably, therefore celebrated its 33 anniversary in the company of 5 girls, one of whom is divorced with a child, the other married with 2 children (Anya! !!!!!!! Only she knows the Rules!) and two 'nice. do not know, but longed to meet you! . In reality, both sexy, funny and smart. But one dream and does everything to go to Australia, and the second dream about Oleg ...... 7 years is a dream.
Well, okay. I love them all. Now about the other.
I immediately said that Shrek somehow missed me! " Hooray!! But this lady said to-heaven on my side and doing everything to sweeten this life.
R № 5. Call first - the surest way to show their interest. And wait for his answer - the surest way to interest him more. So forget the number.
I called him today itself. Just like that, without provocation. And any such occasion I need ?????? Well the truth he told me later he called back. Well, first meeting with him was a year ago.
R № 3. The main mistake the girls on their first date - to give away too much too soon. Do not try to fill the pauses in conversation. Be discreet, swim upstream and let the conversation he has.
it without comment. Of course, I spoke, spoke in great detail the entire last month of my life! And said that I need to learn to stop at the pool where the man only a cap and shorts. In such a suit "to catch oligatora very difficult." Garbage breccia. But I'm with Shrek in the pool met. I was in a hat, bathing suit and wearing spectacles. Surf pool without stopping. I need a workout propylvat not less than 1 km. And Shrek told me: "Girl, what you beautiful!"
R № 6. Buy a timer! And 10 minutes after the start of a call, no matter how enchanting it was, say goodbye, referring to employment. No plans? Let them think that their communities! The biggest trap that you can cater to their own initiative - many hours of conversations with a detailed retelling of what you ate for breakfast and on it has missed. The same applies to dating. You are in seventh heaven? Okay, but four-five o'clock sharp "flight" you have to get up and leave, whispering in your ear about the mass of urgent matters. Men's libido starts to boil, animal will rush and look for a new meeting, and you - to continue to play a difficult extraction.
talked 24 minutes. Agreed to meet in the evening !!!!!!!! But in my submission.
R № 11.Vozmozhen whether sex before marriage? Fein and Schneider (after my grandmother), shakes his head. It all depends on the purpose, they say. Who do you want? Lover? Please! Husband? Then the bear! At least a month or two. If, however, came to bed earlier than before the registry office, keep your mouth shut.
In parting, asked whether we will have sex with him today. After all, I WANT it. A LOT !!!!! That is to say so. Rules
many more. About as much as I have with him there was no sex ......

Friday, December 17, 2010

Kates Playground Vidéos Nue

three thoughts in a moment


Всё сегодня не моё - чужое

За домами, далеко

Моё окно,

Я в воротнике и без него

Буду вечно мёрзнуть и мечтать

Буду вечно мимо пролетать

Испугаюсь look into the eyes

I will go catch a trolleybus

I should be at night for the lights to float

And in the morning to try to forget ...


Everything is strange, not mine

Outside another window,

I'm in a collar, like a dead end

two hands in his pockets


100 meters from the love of job with

and stand on the sidelines not to breathe

I would be eternally cold and dreaming

'll ever fly past

frightened look in his eyes

I will go catch a trolleybus

I would be at night for the lights to float

And in the morning to try forget ...


All around someone else's, not mine

Lines high and deep

not want to float on the white sheet

Stop: jump up, run!

your image will not you,

your image will be like.

a pity that you're not a fat old meme

And not sincere and kind-hearted dog

Can you ever had them

And now, as the man had grown

than what someone else's, not mine.

in my head long ago climbed

what can you as one

Soul replaced by something else.

image of my stay alive

In the trolley,

for aching glass

He overheard a love song

fluttered somewhere ran

Only those who sang

He did not give

dissolve in the air night

He left it to yourself.

Knowing this you can go to sleep,

not afraid of emptiness and clouds

Images loved tenacious

Hence it is impossible to die.

There trolley

a night mist

Time is

And Pharaoh's house

and the smoker in the morning on the balcony

All the world is all native.

Heating Sausage Roll In Microwave

Long discordant rifmula

I woke up middle of the night,

looked out the window,

and the window told me: "Get down!
See all

already asleep long?

Do not disturb the sleep of his city.

It is sad, code, you can not sleep,

He does not like the dark house alone

Orange eye burns.

awake, he thinks he is guilty,

What was asleep and snoring loudly.

Trying Eyes again did not sleep a

He inflates the spotted breast,

and slopes branches to the ground.

And the wind breaks from the clouds,

And the clouds frown

Cities thy.

You better go to bed,

And do not wake him »

I went and watched from the bed to the window

not light up

so strange that the bright ideas coming

to us in the dark,

And if you remember that there is no darkness,

But there is a blue or blue

pink or purple glow

sandy horizons

other shores and distant planets,

thoughts like ballerinas

dance in the spotlight

Before Time dark room.

and dissolve when the lights light

In auditorium or at my window.

My Town wakes up slowly and with dignity

like a king ascends the throne

And just so sad about that,

That day will be short.

Minister daylight

Sent on a mission

Tour Night Ballet

stay here until the summer.

And that the same will happen next?

Repertoire have not yet registered,

Apparently we are waiting for the opening of the art world

In fact, after a lull, usually

comes sensation.

Sleeping, waiting, silence - this is a provocation

But without provocation, and there's

must somehow go on living!

So rhyming with willows thoughts,

as choreographers set ballets

Thinking at night, until they are long,

To then translate bright winter nights

in bright summer days.

Monday, December 13, 2010

What Does A Clitres Look Like

cesario77 @ 2010-12-13T15: 16:00

Funny! These test from LJ so funny. Today, I am simultaneously the racer with a split personality and a mysterious girl !!!!!!!!
Mysterious I never do not consider myself. If tried to play a girl-mystery, it all looked like this - Olya, and that person?? (I look like, if I need urgently to tubzik, but it is trying to less).
Yet I racer! It is more suitable. And the stripes on a zebra, I select those that best fit its natural colors.

Alphabetize Excel 2010

cesario77 @ 2010-12-13T15: 08:00

zebra stripe

draw their zebra

Neetu Singh Boobs Show

cesario77 @ 2010-12-13T14: 44:00

Your character - racer
All your life - a struggle between two opposites. On the one hand and pulls you back home to marry a good and sweet girl, sitting in his house before the fire, pull the legs and sipping wine thoughtfully.
But the second half of your reality is not can exist without a share of adventure, passion for adventure and new challenges. So you and maeshsya: new acquaintances, flirtation disguised phrases, melancholy for stability. So you do not know exactly where you belong.
Oh yeah, you're also a racer - a desperate, stubborn and clever. image
Take the test

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Toyo At Vs Michelin Atr

mama сынки

If a man from his childhood grew up momma's boy, then age it just gets worse. After mamulki it begins to "cherish" as well as to educate and make decisions it zhenulka. Zhenulka may be the same age, but it seems to me, yet she was his age. Well, to better reflect mamulke. And most importantly, MS is constantly asked Questions mamulke / zhenulke how to live. And always get from them are quite certain answers. And zaebyvayut their zasluzhivits and business partners such approximately the same questions, and waiting, of course clear recommendations for action. If not, then something like this happens.
I work with a manager in a friendly our company, which is a classic MC. A man has been nearly forty, he had 2 sons, and his wife over ten years. The company we are always "sticks" of money for any services. And so very often, sozvanivayas this MS, I pluck at the elevated tone and begin to build it. A infuriates me is that he always starts to "talk" on the theme of our time are not canceled accounts suggest why this is happening, to analyze the automobile market. can he take offense, but always tries to be polite.
Yesterday I got a letter:

Olga, good afternoon.

funny, but it seems that the feature of paying inherent in your organization, passed and your partners)))

Vasya Zhopkin (XXX-leasing) has asked to alter the bill for payment in January (December, he said he had already paid all laid out ...). Now do not even know what to do with the score for "The name of our dealership, remodel it to 17000 or not?

may already account for January to set 17 000, if we leave everything as it was and the next year?

What do you think Olga?

And maybe have something heard on the payment in December "in our address?

Thank you in advance for your reply.


Peter Zaebashko YYYYYYY GRO UP


Call us - we always have something to say!

I especially like their slogan. That is certainly how the water farted this Peter Zaebashko.
At this pismishko I, as expected, did not respond. And wrote him a letter with an urgent problem for us, ie, replace one advertisement to another (it's free because we pay a subscription fee for use of the advertisement). Vasya froze. Today I called, and Basil I pointedly said - weird you sent me a letter, Olga. I asked you about one thing, but you I do about the other says. I do not know what to do. And as you yourself think.
Olyushka thought very clear and simple concepts, abusive (out loud, no, no, I'm a girl tiligentnaya, albeit at a service station work). But screaming at him as a victim, that my job is completely in another, that I am not authorized to have responsibility for the XXX-leasing. And Vasya Zhopkin of XXX-leasing is not my relatives to take responsibility for it ...... All off-topic, fact. But on whether I am asked such questions as written in the highly artistic opus Petit Zaebashko ?????????
A Petit through 40 minutes after our Talk:

Olga spoke with the director, how could ...

In general, from all vaguely said in his and your address, I concluded anything like Fit for work ... Rollers today try to write, and tomorrow our director will again talk to your manager.

nothing to talk about - I do not understand, well, tomorrow, I hope I find out ...

That's all.


Peter Zaebyshko YYYYYYY GRO UP


Call us - we always have something to say!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cost Of Coloring Hair

Cuciolo e' un artista!

I when Caesar combed, always kept saying to him, "You I have a beautiful as the film actor. And her hair is naturally hates the dog. On Sunday, went to dog shows. And of all the Champions were asked to interview just us with Caesar! Girl reporter said: "He's miiiiiiiiily" and do not care what unbranded, without pedigree, and only 4 months (but it really miiiiiily, looks like a toy dog breeds uncertainty, so that's puska). I said to the telly without pause, as I love! Straight mine, it was necessary for speaker go, and to some endless night program, when you simply complain to the frame.
At the exit, I forgot the evening that we will be showing at the local news! Just stupidly forgot! Well not quite, of course, remembered exactly at 19.30, and tele-nowhere at hand is not ......
Blyayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya, offensively. Blond!
And yesterday saw Shrek with a brunette ... I hope that it was his daughter. Very similar. And hope.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Desmume Pokemon Heart Gold Configuration

versera @ 2010-12-06T13: 31:00

What I'm tired of Ineta. Want out, well to work hard physically. Finally, I rested on the construction and heavy physical work. Surprisingly, I was drawn just povkalyvat to exhaustion. Work just Shiftmen or laborer to get tired physically. A year ago, everything was exactly the opposite: the hard physical labor opostylil as hell and wanted to sit in a chair and write to read, just would not tear your ass from a soft seat. How then would have to dilute the other one work, but not very successful . I always rush from one extreme to extreme. And now another trouble with the new year as most people working every day from 8 to 5 five days a week . To be honest, even now the mere thought of it brings to the sadness .... I am so pleased to work in shifts

Monday, November 29, 2010

Congratulationmarriedmessage Friend

versera @ 2010-11-29T15: 04:00

The older becomes more and more clearly understand that the most valuable for us this time. It is being held without paying attention to what we do: a useful thing, or something done unnecessary. And it was quite obvious it moves with every day, every hour, every minute faster and faster. At some point you realize that suddenly again missed something important in their life. What then is no time that he went the wrong way, but it back is no way. And then comes the understanding of the importance of every minute of our lives ... It's a pity That an understanding of all this comes to some as late ...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold 100

whence came the snow?

So, what is not written

not say


She can not sit

and trying to inspire you,

She falls in autumn snow

raised thee up under the lights

Where will you stand with a man

Only tight embrace him

It holds you, he will forever

will always be with you

and everywhere.

heard whispers of silence about the miracle

Snow sees us, and we did not

We wandered around a little bit of light

And then fly to Tibet.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Enlarged Liver And Bodybuilding


night. Dimly lit street - I walk with her dog and think about the yellow, the shade of a tree and a taxi. And who can tell me protevorechit? Time? Him to me anyway (this is his indifference sometimes saddens me). Pupil? He silently obeyed me, like ears and neck and fingers and nose. No, nobody can tell me that I was mad that my dog is no longer with me that the street now too far from me, and the shadow of the tree completely disappeared, along with the tree itself. I see what I see, not what he sees me. In a couple of decades, and wherever I was, and to me no matter what happens, I can always close your eyes and take a walk with his dog.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Long After Cesarean Shave

versera @ 2010-11-18T08: 18:00

That ended my holiday. Tomorrow, work, work for which there are only a month . On December 31, reduce the whole shift. And although I have been written statement to another post, it's like saying "two, grandmother said." Yes, and work need walk every day, which naturally do not want to. That's when you realize how easy was this work, plenty of free time, manages to all the housework and on shabashki go and he likes workout. Would have probably not easy financially, would not be undermining. Ostaetsya only earn on the Internet. Now you realize that so much time was wasted in vain. For example, my first blog is on a computer in Denver more than a year, and domains are good at it were then free, and is written in it were already a few articles. Spread da filled ... Now reaping the fruits of ... Yes WOULD interfere. Damn! No wonder they say that our laziness always walks ahead of us ...

Little Red Wagon Cake


I walk barefoot on the parquet.
All will be forgotten:
Hot Summer,
Pooh, flying always over the world,
Dust assigned to the line,
turned into gold.
reason, yearn for the cold.
chin pressed to shoulder.
I'm on slippers often grumbling,
And they run away from me.
A parquet such a warm, worn
There are so many seas studied
and deserts, and animals
and braid
Perilivy and lines
None zakaryuchiny
heels should not be afraid of splinters.
Sneakers let escape.
Let them invisible dog chews.
so nice to walk on the parquet,
recalling about summer.
her boyfriend,
Dance at the summer ball
Come on, if the boss!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Na Dobre I Na Zle Online


What's the difference, what to listen to before bedtime - the lapping of waves or noise far wet highway? You vseravno sverneshsya embryo, and you will be warm under the blanket
and for some reason I do not think the high, but simply spat.Boyus want to wake all the world, and Noah, a white elephant on the ceiling. It seems that in oktebre I got lost somewhere in the languid folds sheets (srifmuem) does not I find myself.
... love this, do not fuss, do not think that there will be a life ahead, it would be better would be something like that ..! After all, in fact, there will be a are you with their eyes, ears, thoughts, and go on my own not to go. You see what you see, is undeniable.

What if I fall, I can only see their dreams to hide from my memory under the pillow, as soon as it is a gray wrinkled shadow of your head?

Monday, November 1, 2010

фото педо

versera @ 2010-11-01T12: 03:00

Vacation, Vacation ... The first ten days passed like an hour. Nothing has really done, only baldel, ie rested on the full. Vacation осенью - это только если ты решил его действительно полностью посвятить отдыху . Почти постоянно идут дожди , и довольно холодно .
 Но есть все же чем заняться . Once again, I'm playing in a group. The composition of a fairly strong and rehearsals are fun. Especially for me, bought a new bass, and again I Tereblya four strings, as with bass player we have always had some difficulties, everyone is always willing to play the guitar, it's as cool as ever on bass. Although I do not think so long ago, and play now with great pleasure.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Why Switch To Health Savings Account

October 29

But to us here the snow came. I'll go and meet him.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How Many Panadol Would It Take To Kill Someone

about the black glove!

I came back, took the glove out of his chair and pulled her right hand to get out of the thickets of apathy. Hi evening pianist upset piano! Fall asleep maestro, you lull white elephant on the ceiling. Just promise me that you wake up tomorrow morning and not leave nowhere else, do not leave I have one in the draft, please be generous!

Monday, October 25, 2010

What Is Difference Between Kerastat And Keratin

holiday ..

My first vacation in nearly ten years. Certainly do not think that I'm such a workaholic. No I have had outages and for a month or more, but this is the first holiday in government service. And though the specifics of work I already get plenty of rest is still very pleasant to wake up in the morning and realize that you will not hurry you can do your chores, or just lie on the couch, watch a concert favorite band. There are, of course , Minor chores, but they are even in the joy when you know that you have plenty of time.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cervical Erosion Getting Pregnant

versera @ 2010-10-11T23: 13:00

when to have his diary tormented one thought To what extent he must be frank. A blog in this plan more open, moreover, the most part, these diaries are made with the expectation That they will be read by your friends, acquaintances or other relative. And every time you think, how to write, so that was not then "excruciatingly painful" for her scribbling ...
In an Internet you can often find too candid blogs, blogs are sometimes gray, with a simple listing of what happened during the day. But sometimes come across masterpieces in which he wrote not a man, and his soul. These diaries and love in every way lelleyut. They're really kind of an outlet for a man and his offspring, in which he is in love and trust all their secrets. These diaries immediately fall into the category of "where will definitely be back, even if it was absolutely the wrong topic that we are looking for. These blogs are taught one simple rule explicit write with gusto, from the heart and your diary will appeal to all, although it is important to Do you like yourself ...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Silverado Truck Tires

White as milk, blood-red ~

If you look good, the sky is like the sea is deep, you can almost feel the distance between the stars and you're afraid of your smallness. And that depth to fill the fearful stories ..

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ventilated Wood Shelving

versera @ 2010-10-05T11: 06:00

Fall! Quiet, a bit gloomy and cold osen.Vyhodit on the street do not want to. Every half-hour jog a hot brew tea and crawl on an Internet, reading blogs of our SEOs. Occasionally, his head after scoring another miracle on the theme of knocking out the bubble of an Internet, separate from the company and take a guitar "Pobryakat".
After a fairly lengthy break all still put new strings and now enjoy the superb sound. On the face of all the consequences dovolno my neglect of the strings. The sound is different as heaven and earth. Of course there are a variety of liquids for their care, but their absence in our Tmutarakanii does not justify me, and everyone knows the basic steps of care could be carried out without them. In general received another small lesson.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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Pervyysneg ...

now closer to the night the first snow fell. Rather, he has not before reaching zaemli melted in vozduzhe, but the snowflakes are large, all kind giving to understand that the summer ended once and for all.
Today, one good man's birthday, and before work jumped to congratulate him, and then all our old company. And surprisingly, even a poet rolled up with the city, though said that he had fallen accidentally. Immediately what that nostalgia is the roll forward, came to work and and jealous friends, we rarely lately so going. And the weather ... Me why it is always the first snow brings in what is sadness, melancholy. My wife in exactly the opposite: the first snow it brings in an absolutely joy of children. She was glad of it as a small child, perhaps because Yuzhanka, and can from what she has such a cheerful character. For this, I love her and ...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gropinghands Firstauditions

bad luck ...

Yesterday was a tough day. All day, all get on with anything. Decided to clean the PC broke cooler on the processor. That's really really unless your day is better not to touch anything. How many years have I had to deal with computers and so you cannot. Until I took off from the body , Put it just above and use it :-). Check the temperature of Everest, so far so good, in my opinion even better than it was, less noisy. Tried to download (Include Casper the scan and another prog) is normal, the temperature certainly creeping up, but does not slow down: with the fan slowed much stronger. And the fact that on the case now, no fan, so just keep the complex open and so far everything seems fine.
Well, a bit later again failure - broken strings on a guitar And the right to bend or even pulling something, but then so for no this took and broke, with a good kolnuv in hand .... Well, I have a spare set of strings That way, I have long intended to deliver.
's a merry day. And today, Monday, as he himself shows that today may burst or break. Let's hope it goes well ....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pokemon Soulsilver Cheats R4

Indian summer ...

Indian summer. What an interesting name happened in that time period, initial value of the phrase "Indian summer" - time when the autumn sun can still warm the elderly woman. "And so it is that time has very quiet and warm weather.
Since childhood, this time associated with the falling leaves, bonfires, and hiking in the woods. Many people probably noticed that the smoke smells like autumn something special. I always thought that the aroma contribute burned leaves, but said, that even when burning something else (certainly not the only chemistry :-)) smoke anyway smells like something in a special way. Bring a man with eyes closed at this time, he will accurately determine what was in the fall. When I
before asking what is your favorite time of year I always said spring (I myself was born in the spring and can be the root cause of such a response), but the last few years, always without vskoy share of doubts, I say Autumn. Many people immediately begin to skeptical to say: Fu autumn - it's dirt, mud, nasty cold weather, but When I correct that it is like Indian summer, almost all of them change their minds. Indian summer like everyone. When, after a brief period of cold weather and rain comes a lull, the majority of people, without exception, is keen on nature, fresh air knowing that this is the last bit of summer before the cold , Slushy in the fall and a cruel winter.
main memories from his youth - it's like our group (first part) in bonfires with guitars, backpacks, stuffed with food and booze, and of course a great mood. These were unforgettable moments. Jokes and anecdotes, the endless conversations about music and our own, a difficult if , Hizni. And of course the songs. What song was writing and performing poet ... In such a romantic atmosphere they perceived as a revelation, as what is yours private. A Rosenbaum, Makarevich, St. Nicholas and many others in a superb performance poets were as close as the friends sat side by side. That's it then and introduced us to our Russian rock music, he gave us to understand that our music is different depth of poems, though often simple and uncomplicated, unlike tricked Western and especially American rock.
Yes, it's a romantic time, you yourself become romantic. Want to spend hours wandering through the woods, forget about everything on the light and surrender pleasant memories. Many people in this time they write wonderful poetry, or compose great songs. This time the inspiration for creation of what something beautiful, unique ...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Where Would I Find A Glory Hole Stockport

versera @ 2010-09-13T11: 48:00

just finished watching an old movie Crossroads. Still go under the impression from him. There are films that penetrate deeply into the soul, and that there rasshevelivayut. Something up from the bottom and make you relive scenes from the movie again and again. The film music of the blues . So that all the musicians who had never seen him advise you to look are compulsory. A short description of the film you can read on my blog / . Yes Yes. On my blog. Besides, I still have some thematic blogs, which also began recently. So you are welcome to visit. Come, read, write their feedback.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gay Bathhouse In Mumbai

My first little date ...

Today, September 8, I have a little date - three months ago I completely gave up alcohol. Most of you will say the same to me as possible, but it all starts with the first step and most importantly in the decision itself.
a long time I went to him, and although I almost did not drink the last time I decided to engage with it fully. Smoke Incidentally, I also threw in the same day, exactly ten years ago. What kind of day so that every time I start to implement what that purpose in their lives. And all very simple - it's the birthday of my mother. And this kind of gift I gave her 10 years ago and made a surprise this year.
This decision is sensible and not temporary, as many people - throw for a year or two and then break down into monthly heavy drinking (and I am in principle and did not drink so ever) - and it is final and irrevocable . In itself, drinking of wine I have repelled every day stronger and stronger. And for some reason. Too many of my friends and other relative ruin oneself by drink and fall lower and lower. So what they become, like losing all the interests and values in life - simply appalling and makes thinking more and more frequently. After all, it all begins small, one right after the three days ruin oneself by drink. Process takes place slowly and imperceptibly. And most importantly the man himself does not notice what is happening with him, because All this is being touted as our culture, our ordinariness. Try to tell me on a holiday, you do not drink, just heard about the ridicule and the subring of inferiority or misery. Do you know where it was hardest to give up wine when I was starting to limit yourself to drink ... No, not friends, they then usually you are well aware or at least tried to understand, namely, in other relative during the holidays. And that's even worst.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where Do London London Lauren Get Her Weave From

I start my blog ...

Today, September 6, 2010 I'm starting my first blog on LJ. I will write about everything a little, but mostly on the guitar theme, as well as topics related to her. In a guitar, I fell in love with long ago, back when I was in school, but the The game began just after graduation. The first time I did not set myself any targets, but simply bryakal. But as they say "the farther into the forest, the more firewood, dragging out my guitar more and more, and after a while I started seoezno sat until the middle of the night, and even played a few группах .Временами это увлечение выходило на первый план , временами я серьезные занятия забрасывал . Учителей у нас нет не то чтобы хороших , нет совсем никаких And, therefore, to comprehend all the wisdom on their own account. Benefit now all have the Internet - this great storehouse of information - and learn to become easier by the day, as they say it would be only a wish. And for this purpose - the maintenance of an incentive, the desire - and I'm looking for some this diary. I hope that it will spur , To encourage me to continue training when my morale starts to cool ...

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Aubrey Miles Movie (free Watch)

Tale in the air yet

There once was a man in the world, who all loved. Liked very much, and like any loving, losing a loved one, he was terribly suffered. But this man was tormented about each occurring on the Earth's death, as people suffer just because of the death of loved ones. He was not the most, He loved all equally strong. Flour it was unbearable. God took pity on him and turned up in the air. Now his love is boundless, and flour weightless. He was the last person saying goodbye to a soul on earth, and therefore knows when it's time to leave. Air loves everyone who breathes it, and as no one else can say goodbye to loved ones.

; ;

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Alone Kotran Movie Online

Your Call. . .

[icons by eliLovesBibi]

I Was Born To Tell You I Love You!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Drives 86c410 Savage 2000


Rolls from the sky pink light,
thousand sheets send me a hello
from the bank branches, standing on the edge
Are the leaves that I'm flying in the morning

Белой полоской над их голвами
Прямо в морские края?

Я не на долго прощаюсь с вами,

                                                                                  May leaves behind the window frame

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is It Legal To Hack Webcams?

the life of asphalt

Pacific April vecher.Pod worn soles walks sad and silent asphalt. Soles excitedly told him about their daily travel. Shaking, dust particles, strings, rods, hands, socks, shoes, pieces of trousers, the smoothness of tights, dog noses, paws and so forth. -All this vision, shimmering feet. As for sounds, a mixture of daytime noise, consisting of thousands of whistles, screams, rustle, rustle, giggles, words, weeping, gnashing, rustling, and so on., pulled into one long-drawn-hooting string somewhere exactly in the middle of the head accident asphalt.
Swallowing packs valerian lanterns of yellow spots, carefully spread out on the sidewalk, he still could not sleep for a long time, and trembling nervously rustling of tires. WinCE it so often microscopic, that it seems to us that he is calm and motionless. In fact, the asphalt is suffering terribly. He was already annoyed that year at his ignorance.
His main trouble is that he is very much to know, but nothing, absolutely nothing can understand. He does not understand what people talk about where and how they go and go, why they drop and run. Scraps of his visions so do not mix with each other that if they put out the mosaic, then get the picture strange predsonnogo delirium.
Asphalt tormented by his silence and could not support any one of the world's conversations. And many, many years he was the asphalt silently and alone wondering walking riddle of life.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Covering Letter Template For Make Up Artist

Congratulations, Ro!

And remember that as long as you want
Forever by your side you'll find it near you
never tired because
A friend is the most beautiful thing there ..

Brazilian Wax Limerick Ireland

Happy Birthday, George! A Different World Today

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Does Tazorac Work?


With closed eyes I rummage in the midst of sweet memories,
in search of people's faces and voices now gone mute.
E 'dance of shadows confused, blurred,
a festive air but cold and pale and muffled sounds of
a world away.
Then I see a happy child protected from large,
with desire to grow and go forward, oblivious to what the future holds. The impact
merciless with the real world has clipped the wings of childhood dreams
that fires wet, now I'm off.
Of the thousands of projects, hopes, fed very little now remains to race over, but even if false
life is beautiful.

How Many Calories In Achow Mein

And often you do not realize that the things that really matter are very few, yet fundamental .. When a person loses
, albeit distant, you know that what for us is suffering for others is commonplace ..

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Same Day Birthday Compatibility

hush hush hush!

Spellbound music and tea.
not notice your sorrows
taught from childhood blue sea gulls.
There are seagulls there,
where there is a river,
near the sea
slightly away from the ocean.
There are seagulls there,
Where they do not notice I was drinking tea
stuff I was drinking all of their sadness
Ukroyus cinnamon
the thought of grief, from the howling
Somewhere inside
«I'm so bored!»

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Karate Breaking Stand

scale in February

quickly print vortices flown into my head thinking, or rather not even thinking, and beautiful phrases that enrich the space of ease and immediacy of steps. These phrases can be compared with birds leapt Today in the piece of the sky, the foreseeable me. To not let them over the edge of the eye, as it has to do with the birds, I have decided that you can lay them on the streets, both on bookshelves.

starts at the top, since the paucity of ideas on the longest I have traveled the streets, like it was top shelf.

Large Georgia.

first back- Hi melancholic

... when I walk past trees whose branches covered with snow so exquisitely that I embarrassed to stare on them with his mouth open, I lower my eyes. My gaze slides over the mighty black trunks and stick to the shoulder. Oddly disproportionate figure says Me: "I am a mighty king, I fashioned Tsereteli! Look, it's my cast. " And I look at these as disproportionate, but smaller, the court Harlequins. Then returning to the back of a giant eye, and I understand that his physical size has reduced the value of his intelligence (I'm just about the most sculpture not the individual). Sculpture seems to me a fool. And the snow on her shoulders seems to me stunning fabulous.

second back- Untitled

To think imaginatively I like more, but this requires a series of figurative, it must be patterned to think it was nice. I can not yet think figuratively, because both Once I start, in front of me always gets the same stage of my life, which eclipsed anything I have ever seen. She never erode from my memory and hardly anything go in. Maybe I'll start to think metaphorically, when the appearance of the above image I will not have to pluck my eyes and will not feel that I beat the cobblestones on the chest.

Malaya Bronnaya


How many people have many opinions. And me? What is my opinion? Oh oh oh! It seems I have no opinion! So, quiet ... my opinion is that once everyone has an opinion, so everyone has a different vision. And if visions are different, hence there is no single, common, which is on the idea should be a reality. Oh my God! Yes I am a nihilist! I am a nihilist, so I like erasers.

Patriarch's Ponds


We exchanged by passing man chewing gum. He chavknul so widely that I saw it chews the cud, well, I reply, as well chavknula. We realized that we are equally pleased to walk and chewing gum in the cold, were satisfied with each other and parted.

Garden Ring


How nice that in this beautiful city I have has his own room. Not flat, namely room, because she is very mine. My bed, the blue wallpaper and curtains, table, window sill, an easel, a piano sometimes in another order, depending on the health status and the book, which Karatau days.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gpsphone Pokemon Smaragd Cheats

story on

golden feathers enveloped of hidden between houses courtyards. Two girls 5 years ineptly played badminton large wooden rackets. Their custody - grouchy grandmother in a blue knit Panama Eternal stocking. In the warm spring air fighting sounds senseless attacks on the old dusty carpet, hissing radio, promising to drop the temperature Moscow is below zero, and a competitive chorus champing new watermelon gum. Under this invisible battle brought to give white cat examined their locality. a cat's eyes were different. Green saw a much better blue, but cloudy blue eyes looked like an ancient all-seeing eye, brought from the eastern benches. When this cat was a stray kitten, his future boss - a fighter for scrupulous protection of animals, Michael Krotonovich extremely love this oddity of his cat. When in the courtyard of a peculiar incident occurred, the cat was pleased to see the prospect of his secret love in next door. While his boss raised the blue hat old woman, the cat slipped into the arch, and then disappeared behind, covered with dermantinom door. The incident was also completely unprecedented. For no reason at all with balconies hung with socks, took off the red lacquered shoes and brushed blue hat woman. Starushka not affected, but was dumbfounded and outrage. The entire evening, before the clock struck zero zero hours, her granddaughter heard about the ambiguity of certain incidents over which should not laugh. And who and why threw shoes totally do not know. It is known that the manner of this man is poor, and that the red lacquered shoes will never get a holiday.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If My Dog Poops Blood

poem "February 1 or the day of my union"

All same day

Meditation Room or

Thoughts in the room,

Watching that beautiful.

breathe moist.

My dog is very red,

me this is important. Our

with silhouette

It takes women's views on the balcony.

Her eyes hidden by glasses "chameleon"

Her mind sleeping in a leather cape.

I'm amazed the world,

debris of his cigarette smoke,


I wonder butts,

scattered on the ground.

I'm very comfortable

So starting in February,

in the room and in themselves.

homeless Moscow court

Thinking about winter, or something completely different.

This year the snow wearing on him a wry

In very great haste.

in my visual memory that is not

It runs

the soft and hard Riga Tallinn.

Outside February turns the asphalt to thaw holes.

I end up like the Japanese poet,

I forgot his name,

Or not.

What is this, Hoku?

Or does rhyme confused plot

And he ran to buy her a bouquet of azaleas.

on roofs goes very orange people

me this is important.

five-story house

does not block my view

In other series five-story building

Janitor clears snow from roofs.

We stand with my dog and eat burgers

It troubled and unperturbed

I understand that here in rhyme and story go


But I do not smoke,

I only terms of stories about cigarette smoke

And I'm attached to them?

, I'll read, unwinding story

novel "Rebecca" Daphne du Maurier

And this beautiful name finish as Hoku

Wedding Straight Shota


silhouette could not turn the corner, February wind joined with him in the dispute.
dispute was the most natural, in a sense, obsolyutno bessmysliny. None of the debaters had no osnavany at him. Wind, torn from the ground due to lack of legs, just do was not under a facts on which he could stretch. That the dispute was on an equal footing wind naturally tried to knock down the stubborn silhouette - and began a spores.
As two sheep they stood on the corner, but the silhouette is still able to slowly move forward. He is a true debater looked only to himself feet. Porridge made of snow, asphalt and lantern light, telling him that the street is dark. When the February wind flew to argue with another silhouette, our hero finally raised his head. On him because of right angles and elongated statues furtively looked pale crimson sky. He realized: "Darkness is not. It just do not in this world! ". And in a bag He was lying coal. He was going to paint a black ptitsu.Net, dark-gray bird with black head. He went on, and contradicts himself: "I'm going to black light. Light Raspberry pastel sheet. But no! Best ink dirty yellow, you get porridge at my feet. And yet there is no darkness, I hid it in his bag, turned into coal палочки, которые крошаться и ломаются под пальцами и растворяются от любого прикосновения. Темноты нет."


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Do Ipod Headphones With Mic Work On Ps3

back_to_rome @ 2010-02-01T00: 36:00

- Return to Rome?
- You read my mind!