bad luck ...
Yesterday was a tough day. All day, all get on with anything. Decided to clean the PC broke cooler on the processor. That's really really unless your day is better not to touch anything. How many years have I had to deal with computers and so you cannot. Until I took off from the body , Put it just above and use it :-). Check the temperature of Everest, so far so good, in my opinion even better than it was, less noisy. Tried to download (Include Casper the scan and another prog) is normal, the temperature certainly creeping up, but does not slow down: with the fan slowed much stronger. And the fact that on the case now, no fan, so just keep the complex open and so far everything seems fine.
Well, a bit later again failure - broken strings on a guitar And the right to bend or even pulling something, but then so for no this took and broke, with a good kolnuv in hand .... Well, I have a spare set of strings That way, I have long intended to deliver.
's a merry day. And today, Monday, as he himself shows that today may burst or break. Let's hope it goes well ....
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