Monday, December 20, 2010

Types Of Boobs Inidan

Rulevye game

book Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider All the Rules became the bible for every American girl who dreams of getting married. I heard about this knizhentsiyu no time and no two. It quoted Charlotte from Sex and The City, even read in one of the women's advanced novel (just for women and stupid I did not read !:):):):) My friend Anna always gives me advice in this book, like a man do not sleep the first night, do not call first, whether sweet puskoy etc. etc.
I systematically violating these rules, and, probably, therefore celebrated its 33 anniversary in the company of 5 girls, one of whom is divorced with a child, the other married with 2 children (Anya! !!!!!!! Only she knows the Rules!) and two 'nice. do not know, but longed to meet you! . In reality, both sexy, funny and smart. But one dream and does everything to go to Australia, and the second dream about Oleg ...... 7 years is a dream.
Well, okay. I love them all. Now about the other.
I immediately said that Shrek somehow missed me! " Hooray!! But this lady said to-heaven on my side and doing everything to sweeten this life.
R № 5. Call first - the surest way to show their interest. And wait for his answer - the surest way to interest him more. So forget the number.
I called him today itself. Just like that, without provocation. And any such occasion I need ?????? Well the truth he told me later he called back. Well, first meeting with him was a year ago.
R № 3. The main mistake the girls on their first date - to give away too much too soon. Do not try to fill the pauses in conversation. Be discreet, swim upstream and let the conversation he has.
it without comment. Of course, I spoke, spoke in great detail the entire last month of my life! And said that I need to learn to stop at the pool where the man only a cap and shorts. In such a suit "to catch oligatora very difficult." Garbage breccia. But I'm with Shrek in the pool met. I was in a hat, bathing suit and wearing spectacles. Surf pool without stopping. I need a workout propylvat not less than 1 km. And Shrek told me: "Girl, what you beautiful!"
R № 6. Buy a timer! And 10 minutes after the start of a call, no matter how enchanting it was, say goodbye, referring to employment. No plans? Let them think that their communities! The biggest trap that you can cater to their own initiative - many hours of conversations with a detailed retelling of what you ate for breakfast and on it has missed. The same applies to dating. You are in seventh heaven? Okay, but four-five o'clock sharp "flight" you have to get up and leave, whispering in your ear about the mass of urgent matters. Men's libido starts to boil, animal will rush and look for a new meeting, and you - to continue to play a difficult extraction.
talked 24 minutes. Agreed to meet in the evening !!!!!!!! But in my submission.
R № 11.Vozmozhen whether sex before marriage? Fein and Schneider (after my grandmother), shakes his head. It all depends on the purpose, they say. Who do you want? Lover? Please! Husband? Then the bear! At least a month or two. If, however, came to bed earlier than before the registry office, keep your mouth shut.
In parting, asked whether we will have sex with him today. After all, I WANT it. A LOT !!!!! That is to say so. Rules
many more. About as much as I have with him there was no sex ......


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